(The talk was given in Chinese, but I will briefly summarize it here.) The talk started with several warm-up questions that students were asked to answer quickly. These questions aimed to get to know some issues that students have in their work of literature review: forget papers they read and notes they took several months or even years ago; unable to link different papers on the same topic. Then, I briefly explained the motivations of the talk, such as it is important to choose research tools wisely. In the third part, I used the ‘four levels of reading’, based on How to Read a Book (by Mortimer J. Adler & Charles van Doren) and my thoughts on a previous twitter thread, to argue that the fourth level (i.e., syntopical reading) can quite nicely apply to paper reading. Lastly, based on my doctoral dissertation project, I demonstrated how a Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) (MAXQDA in this case) can be used to manage references, take notes and link papers.